
Vietnam is a country located in Southeastern Asia bordering the Gulf of Thailand, the Gulf of Tonkin, and the South China Sea. Neighboring countries include Cambodia, China, and Laos. The geography consists of hills and densely forested mountains in the northwest. The government system is a communist state. The chief of state is the President, and the head of government is the Prime Minister. Vietnam has a mixed economy in which there is limited private freedom but the economy remains highly controlled by the government. Vietnam is a member of the Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).

Area 331.698 km2
Capital Hanoi
Population 90,549,390
Language Vietnamese, Mon-Khmer, Chinese, English
Government Type Communist state
Currency Dong (VND)
Exchange Rate 1 USD = 21,818.00 VND (July 2015)
Religions Buddhism, Taoist, Christian
Climate Tropical monsoon with humidity.
Mid May ~ Mid Sept : north monsoon with hot, rainy season
Mid Oct ~ Mid Mar : north monsoon with warm, dry season
Ethnic distribution 88% Vietnamese, 2% Chinese, 2% Khmer, Many minority groups
Exports Rice, rubber, coal, iron, apatite, farm produce, livestock, fish
Electricity 220/110 volts AC, 50Hz; plugs are predominantly flat pinned.
Time GMT +7
International Country Code 0084


Public Holiday

1 Jan New Year’s Day
Lunar Calendar Lunar New Year
30 Apr Saigon Liberation day
2 Sept National Day